Infrastructure unbundling of services
背景: 因历史原因, 前期多个服务共用一个 rds 实例和一个 Redis 实例, 在实际使用中经常会因某一个服务异常导致 rds 或 Redis 负载异常, 进而影响其他服务造成雪崩. 故进行基础资源拆分来隔离风险.
Background : Due to historical reasons, multiple services share one RDS instance and one Redis instance in the early stage. In actual use, it is common to cause RDS or Redis load abnormalities due to one service exception, thus affecting other services and causing avalanches. Therefore, base resource splitting is performed to isolate risks.
本次拆分基于 AWS 平台
The split is based on AWS
Create a read-only copy instance of the original instance
- principle
- AWS console-> rds console-> databases -> select rds-> action-> creat read replica
将 k8s 上 pod 副本数调为 0
- Set the number of pod replicas on K8S to 0
- kubectl edit deployments test -n test
- set spec.replicas: 0
Verify that the read-only instance and the original instance record the same number of rows
不建议用 schema 统计 有误差
It is not recommended to use schema statistics with errors
information_schema.tables 对于 InnoDB 表, table_rows 行计数仅是大概估计值, 不准确.
information_schema.tables For InnoDB tables, table_rows rows count is only approximate and not accurate.
用下面 sql 生成查询库下所有表的记录行数:
- Use the following SQL to generate the number of record rows for all tables under the query library:
- select concat(
- 'select count(*) from',
- '.',
- TABLE_name,
- 'union all'
- ) from information_schema.tables
- where TABLE_SCHEMA='test_db';
生成类似如下的查询 sql, 在原实例和只读实例进行查询
- generate query SQL similar to the following for the original and read-only instances
- select count(*) from table1
- union all
- select count(*) from table2
- union all
- select count(*) from table3
- ...
将只读 rds 实例提升为正常 rds 实例
Promote a read-only RDS instance to a normal RDS instance
- Promote a read-only instance to a normal instance after it is consistent with the source instance
- AWS console-> rds console-> databases -> select rds-> action-> promote
创建 Redis 备份, 并恢复一个新的 Redis
- Create a Redis backup and restore a new Redis
- AWS console->Redis->action->backup
- AWS console->Redis->resotre
- Example Modify the connection information of the configuration center
- ...
将 k8s pod 副本数恢复之前数量
- Restore the number of k8S pod copies to previous number
- kubectl edit deployments test -n test
- set spec.replicas: x
将 AWS 拆出来的资源 rds Redis 导入到现有 terraform 中
Import the resource RDS Redis from AWS into the existing Terraform
Refer to the following
Terraform 反向导出
to summarize
本次拆分可以保证数据 0 损失, 因进行了 k8s pod 副本数调整, 会对对拆分的服务根据实际情况会有部分时间不可用, 建议在服务访问量低时进行此操作
This split can ensure zero data loss. Because the number of K8S POD copies is adjusted, the split service may be unavailable for some time according to the actual situation. You are advised to perform this operation when the service traffic is low